Ancient Teke fetish figure, Democratic Republic of Congo

Teke Fetish Figure

Democratic Republic of Congo

Late 19th c

11 inches high x 2 3/4 inches wide

Ex: Maria Wyss, Switzerland Ex: Robert Dupierre, Paris


Inv. # A3212

Exhibited is a powerful Teke fetish figure with encrusted patina and bent legs supporting a rectangular torso with hollowed abdominal cavity. A empowering mass of apotropaic materials once fully encased the body, only a small mass is left in the cavity. This ancient Teke figure’s facial surface has incised linear scarification. He has a trapezoidal beard, slit eyes, small mouth and cap-like hairstyle. These magical figures called “Buti,” were used by a ritual specialist for protection against witchcraft and disease, for acquiring power and riches and for successful hunting.

Outstanding Teke figure, 19th century

Right View

Very old Teke Buti figure, Congo

Back View

Remarkable vintage Teke figure, Congo

Left View


Ekoi figure


Koma Terracotta Figure